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Here at Eiríksstaðir we are dedicated not only to the Sagas and archeology that we already know about, but also to the research which will let us know even more about this enigmatic period of Iceland's history. Not only that, but we believe that learning about history should be accessible and fun for all ages.

Current Projects


Community Project: The Dalabyggð Saga Tapestry

Combining Viking Age visual storytelling techniques and the Sagas of the local area, we are working with the children of Búdardalur to create both a tapestry, and a road mural to celebrate the area's vibrant history.


Publication: Leif in the Year 970

A collaborative effort between our own Rain Adriann Mason, and Icelandic artist Vikar Mar Svanhvítarson, Leif in 970 will help children to understand and visualize just what their lives would have been like if they had been born 1000 years earlier.


Development: Hiking Experience

We are working on expanding our experience for guests. Using the principles of Slow travel, gamification, and experience design, we aim to offer a new type of experience in the year 2025. This innovative development is supported by Frumkvöðlasjóður Íslandsbanka. 


Development: Reconstructing the Eiríksstaðir Pithouse

Based on the original excavation of the house and on research conducted by our own Rain Adriann Mason and Atli Freyr Guðmundsson we are rebuilding the pit house, aiming for placing a fully functional 10th century textile workshop in there.

Completed Projects


Experimental Archaeology Festival 2024:  Past in Flames

Combining forces with international experts and our friends at Hurstwic, we were able to create a replica viking age building - and set it on fire. For the first time, we were able to use technology  to gather a great deal of information on how such a structure would burn, and how accurate the depictions of saga house burnings really are.


Development: Eiríksstaðir's Wolf-Bridge

Created by the talented American-Icelandic woodworker Tryggvi Thorlief Larum, these hand-carved bridge-rails  showcase the craftsmanship - and colours - that Viking Age craftsmen implemented into their every day lives.


More Information

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Filming - On les Appelle Vikings

In this French documentary on Viking Age buildings, our own Rain Adriann Mason is interviewed on what life would have been like for the first Icelanders to build their farmsteads on the unforgiving Island.

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Experimental Archaeology Festival 2023: Fibres & Turf

Focusing on the cottage production of wool and linen, this festival combined the reproduction of linen and wool processing and weaving, as well as the reconstruction of the dyngja, where these tasks were performed.

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Filming: Togtet - Utopia og blodfejder

A 2023 Danish documentary focusing on Viking voyages, featuring both our longhouse and our staff - including our own Peter Stewart as Eirik the Red. The 4th episode 'Utopia og blodfjeder' has many scenes from us. Three local children participated: Eilísabet Freyja Óskarsdóttir, Jón Leví og Mikael Hall


Community Event: Manuscript Making

Manuscripts are a vital part of Icelandic culture - they gave us the Sagas after all! In this free community workshop we let children and adults experience the beauty and craftsmanship of this old craft, as well as try it out for themselves.

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Research: Eiríksstaðir and Other Pithouses in Iceland

Funded by Nýsköpunarsjóður Námsmanna, this collaborative research project by Rain Adriann Mason and Atli Freyr Guðmundsson explores the theories about the uses of the slightly sunken buildings found on farms like Eiríksstaðir.

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Experimental Archeology Festival 2022: Cloth & Pantry

The festival focused on food and catering experiments along with clothing, textiles and Viking fashion. Sausages with period spices and ingredients were made, to be eaten at the Viking festival in Hafnarfjörður.


Filming: Profilm -The Far Traveler

In 2019 a documentary made by Profilm was partly taken in Eiriksstaðir with our staff. The documentary tells the story of Guðríður Þorbjarnardóttir, who is among the main characters in the Greenlanders Saga.


Community Event: National Hnefatafl Tournament

Held at our Experimental Archaeology Festivals each year, we host an open hnefatafl competition. This ancient type of chess was seemingly the one played by the Vikings, and is very different to the chess we commonly play today.


Filming: America's Lost Vikings

A documentary by Arrow Media discussing the evidence supporting the the Icelanders reaching Canada around the year 1000 CE. 


Experimental Archaeology Festival 2019: Iron Festival

This festival revealed how settlers in Iceland made good quality iron from bog iron. Remains are visible all through the country, some large scale. The American group Hurstwic experimented vigorously on this before the festival and finalized the experiment successfully during the festival. The result was significant enough to be exhibited in the National Museum of Iceland.

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